In Montessori, children are grouped in classrooms with children within a three-year age band. While officially children are in a specific grade, such as Grade 2, we do not emphasize a child's grade level within the Montessori classroom environment. Instead, when we call students to work in a group, we call each child individually by name. This chart may be used as a reference to determine in which grade a child attending IMSOL will be officially placed.

Grade 6 at IMSOL is the equivalent of 6th grade in the Latvian system as defined by the Latvian Ministry of Education and Science.
Montessori Grade
Age on Sept 1st
Classroom Environment
PreK 1
3 – 4 years old
Age 3 – 6 Environment
PreK 2
4 -5 years old
Age 3 – 6 Environment
PreK 3
5 – 6 years old
Age 3 – 6 Environment
Grade 1
6 – 7 years old
Age 6 – 9 Environment
Grade 2
7 – 8 years old
Age 6 – 9 Environment
Grade 3
8 – 9 years old
Age 6 – 9 Environment
Grade 4
9 – 10 years old
Age 9 – 12 Environment
Grade 5
10 – 11 years old
Age 9 – 12 Environment
Grade 6
11 – 12 years old
Age 9 – 12 Environment

IMSOL is in compliance with the Latvian Ministry of Education and Science’s requirements for international schools. The PYP program aligns within the first stage of basic education in Latvia.

IMSOL eligibility is regulated by International School law:

International School regulations:

As well as other regulations found here:


Latvian Name
English Name
Age / Stage
Documents Upon Completion
Starptautiskā bakalaurāta pirmsskolas izglītības programma – Vispārējas izglītība pakāpe- pirmsskolas izglītība
PYP Early Years
2.5 – 6 years Kindergarten stage
Certificate for finishing the preschool program and progress report
Sākumskolas programma (IBPYP) atbilst: pamatizglītības pirmā posma programmai
6 years – 12 years Primary education
Certificate for finishing the primary program (PYP) and progress report