Why can there be children of different ages at the same class?

This approach offers many advantages for children: children see from the childhood that each child is individual, and the age is not an obstacle to communication and development. Older children can satisfy their natural desire for care and a sense of self-reliance when they help and assist younger children. Younger...

Have studies been done on the impact of PYP?

The IB places great value on external validation of its programmes, curriculums and professional development. A recent Global International Schools’ Assessment study found that PYP students outperformed non-IB students in mathematics, reading and writing. Additional studies on programme impact, quality assurance, programme development and assessment research are available at www.ibo.org/research.

Does implementing an IB PYP curriculum means my child’s school will not teach local or national standards? 

 The IB is committed to making sure that students in IB programmes meet and exceed local or national standards. With the implementation of any IB programme, schools are required to examine their curriculum carefully to ensure that there is alignment with local, state or national standards.  More information on the...

What is IB?

The International Baccalaureate (IB) was founded in Geneva, Switzerland in 1968 as a non-profit educational foundation. International Schools got together to create the program intended to help internationally mobile students prepare for university through internationally standardized courses and assessments. As of January 2022, over 5400 schools in 159 countries offer...